FCSS Summer Family Events

By Garrett Simmons
FCSS Communications

There simply aren’t that many opportunities for people to gather with their entire extended families. The Family and Community Support Services Family Outdoor Fun Night in Nobleford aimed to change that.

And even though extreme wind pushed the June 4 outdoor event indoors, the multi-generational event proved to be a success.

“The event went really well,” said Trinity Walker, FCSS Youth Development Coordinator. “We had four different families show up and the families were playing games and interacting with one another. It was great to see.”

As the event was held during Seniors’ Week, FCSS encouraged families to bring the seniors in their families and celebrate them as well.

“It was really just a chance for the whole family to get together and do some activities and also to mingle with other families,” said Walker, who added it was great to see parents and grandparents interacting with children while playing a wide variety of games.

“One of the biggest things was just to give everyone a chance to get out there with the whole family,” said Walker. “It’s something the seniors get to participate in to build those intergenerational bonds and to celebrate them and make them feel welcome in the community.”

“It’s nice for seniors to get out and make more social connections and enjoy connecting with their neighbours,” added Cindy Lauwen, FCSS Volunteer Services Coordinator. “We really want to normalize that seniors are invited to attend FCSS events that are designed for families. They’re part of the family too.”

The June 4 Family Night isn’t the only thing FCSS has cooking in the area this summer, as FCSS has a number of summer fun events set for July and August throughout Lethbridge County.

In Nobleford, ‘Summer Fun Day Camps’ are set for July 30-Aug. 1 and Aug. 6-8. Open to children ages 6-11, the camps run from 9:30-noon, with an optional on-site lunch hour, and again from 1-3 p.m. There are 20 spots available for the camps, which can be booked by calling Walker at 403-394-8101.

Nobleford’s ‘Family Summer Fun in the Park’ events will be held behind the Community Complex on three Mondays in August, on the 12th, 19th and 26th. From 10-11:30 a.m. on those dates, parents can drop-in with their children, up to age 12, and participate in arts and crafts, games, and outdoor activities.

Family Summer Fun in the Park will also take place in Monarch, Coalhurst, Coaldale and Iron Springs. Monarch will host events on Thursdays on July 11, July 18 and July 25. Coalhurst’s events go on Wednesdays on Aug. 7, Aug. 14 and Aug. 21, while it’s Mondays for Coaldale on July 8, July 15 and July 22. Iron Springs will host on Tuesdays on July 9, July 16 and July 23.

All Family Summer Fun in the Park events run from 10-11:30 a.m. More information on these events can be found at www.fcss.ca