Taber Smile Cookie Fundraiser

By Garrett Simmons
FCSS Communications

There were big smiles all around as Taber’s Tim Hortons and Family Community Support Services wrapped up a hugely successful fundraiser.

When all the cookies crumbled, the Smile Cookie Fundraiser raised $7,482.50 for FCSS, which will go a long way to supporting local programming.

“We were thrilled to be asked to be a partner in this local business initiative,” said Zakk Morrison, Executive Director for FCSS. “I think it’s a win-win for both the organization and Tim Hortons.”

Morrison added seniors in Taber will be the prime benefactor, as FCSS will use the funds to supplement existing programs and create new opportunities.

“Funds are going to support seniors, and as we are just coming off celebrating Seniors’ Week, it’s good timing and a reminder of the importance and the significance of our parents and grandparents and their contributions to the success of where our communities are today.”

FCSS has rolled out initiatives such as Seniors’ Coffee Chats, Memory Cafés and the Speaker Series for Seniors, with more on the horizon.

“In the last couple of years our organization has really moved beyond looking at seniors from one department but supporting seniors across all departments,” said Morrison, who highlighted intergenerational programming as yet another example. “The whole organization, the whole FCSS staff are here to engage seniors.”

And Tim Hortons is glad to help FCSS realize that goal, through the Smile Cookie campaign, according to Taber Tims owner Corey Persson.

“I think every group that Tim Hortons/FCSS works with is really important, but I was very happy when FCSS told us about supporting seniors,” he said. “I had many guests approach us and let us know it was appreciative.”

Persson added the fundraiser went very smoothly in 2024, thanks in part to the high level of collaboration between his staff and FCSS.

“FCSS was a great organization to partner with,” he said. “The people were awesome and our team really enjoyed working with them.”

Tim Hortons staff and FCSS employees had a lot of time to work together on the fundraiser, according to Kaitlynn Weaver, FCSS Outreach Services Supervisor.

“It was interesting because with other fundraisers it’s sometimes just a day and this was the whole week,” she said. “FCSS and Tim Hortons staff were tasked with figuring out how to engage and promote the fundraiser for the entire week.”

That led to some creative solutions in an attempt to sell as many cookies as possible.

“We did pre-order forms where people could order a box of cookies and distribute them to their staff and we also hand delivered cookies to all of our partners in Taber – anyone that we collaborate with,” said Weaver. “We spent a whole day dropping off cookies, and it was really fun, That’s part of the whole Smile Cookie concept – to bring smiles.”

The teamwork between Tims and FCSS, along with the buy-in from Taberites, made the fundraiser the success it was, according to the Tim Hortons owner.

“I think it’s great how the community and the team rallies behind this initiative,” said Persson. “The staff and volunteers work extremely hard to make as many cookies as possible. I want to thank the community for all their support, and look forward to building on this year’s success, next year.”

For Morrison, the Smile Cookie Fundraiser was just another example of how FCSS values collaboration in the communities it serves.

“The term is cliché but we are stronger together, and I think FCSS really believes we can’t do it alone and we can enhance what we do by working together,” said Morrison. “This partnership is similar to ones we have with other non-profits and businesses where we try and enhance the services and supports that local residents are receiving within their community. We appreciate Tim Hortons and the efforts of the FCSS team that were doing good work to ensure seniors are getting the supports they need in the Town of Taber.”